




STEM education encompasses the interconnected fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, which collectively form the foundation for innovation, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Each discipline brings unique perspectives and tools to the table, fostering a multidisciplinary approach that encourages students to explore the similarities and differences across these fields.

Science unravels the natural world, exploring the principles of physics, chemistry, and biology that govern our surroundings. It delves into the "why" and "how" of things, encouraging students to observe, experiment, and make sense of the world around them.

Technology equips students with the tools and techniques necessary to navigate the digital age. It encompasses the use of modern instruments, electronics, simulations, and apps, empowering students to understand and harness the power of technology in various domains.

Engineering takes scientific knowledge and technological tools to solve real-world problems and create innovative solutions. It fosters a design-thinking mind set, encouraging students to think critically, analyse constraints, and develop practical applications that improve the world we live in.

Mathematics serves as the language of numbers, measurements, patterns, and relationships. It enables students to understand and quantify the world, providing them with the necessary skills to collect and analyse data, make informed decisions, and visualize abstract concepts, such as shapes and spatial relationships.